Why Must a Business Invest in Creating a Powerful Brand Video | ANTS Digital
A brand video is a highly versatile and effective tool of marketing for all kinds of businesses. In fact, videos and marketing are inseparable, like popcorn and movies. They have always been so. From the television commercials of the yesteryears to YouTube videos, videos on a company’s website, Facebook Live, to Instagram, brand videos have been an intrinsic part of our lives always. Effectiveness of Brand Videos Studies establish that the human brain processes videos 60,000 times faster than text and an online video is 600% more effective marketing tool than print and direct mail combined. Therefore, brand videos are a delightful, versatile and highly sharable medium to reach the target audience effectively. Here’s why companies must invest in creating engaging brand videos Enhance relatability and therefore, trust : A brand video is a powerful medium to connect with your current and potential audience. It helps the consumer identif...